“Creating Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.”
That is the mission of the West Michigan Conference of The United
Methodist Church. Comprised of six Districts with 400 churches and
approximately 60,000+ members throughout the state, the vision statement
of The West Michigan Conference celebrates that we are “All connected in
mission.” Together we are on a journey of hope, love and healing, along
with United Methodists and others around the world. Working with others,
we find we are able to make a greater difference than we could make alone.
Christ still calls us to reach out beyond ourselves to neighbors up close
and far away. And we respond with our dollars, with our time, and with our
prayers. Through The United Methodist “connection” we are linked — as
individuals and as congregations — in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in word and deed in more than 125 countries.



Bishop: Deborah Lieder Kiesey


2164 University Park, Suite 250
Okemos, MI 48864
(517) 347-4030





Conference Office

PO Box 6247
11 Fuller SE
Grand Rapids, Mi 49506
(888) 217-4503

Director of Connectional Ministries

Benton Heisler benton@wmcumc.org



Director of Communications

Mark Doyal markd@wmcumc.org


Conference Website CLICK HERE