Present:  Bishop Julius Trimble; Bill Pyatt, Chair; Jodi Cataldo, Vice-Chair; John Boley, Secretary; Rick VanGiesen, Treasurer; Paul White.

Devotions:  Bill opened in prayer.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the phone meetings of January 29, 2013 and April 16, 2013 were approved.

Financial Reports:  Rick reported as follows:

  1. Balance Sheet:  We have $681,071 in the bank.  This is way more than anticipated or desired, even though we need a good balance in prep for Jurisdictional Conference.  The reasons for this are:
    1. We did not have a run on funds at the end of the last quadrennium.
    2. Groups are not as active.
    3. We have received $30,000 grant from the West Ohio conference from accrued Native American offering funds.
    4. Reuben Job Center is closed.
  1. Conference Contributions:  Last quadrennium we had 100% apportionments from Annual Conferences.  We have $24,191 owing right now, but it will come in.
  1. Reports:  We have received 89% of receipts and have spent 35% of expenditures.  Rev. Lee is bringing in more than he is spending.

These financial reports were received.

Recommendations (to be presented to the full Council if approved):

  1. That we suspend the 90% rule because of our sound financial condition.  Approved.
  2. For Jurisdictional Conference 2016:
    1. Planning is well underway for the Peoria Convention Center.  There is lots of space.  Still need to work on content and theme.  Nice hotels with good rates.  Mission Council is usually on site to do any budget work necessary.
  3. In Akron, we paid $75 per diem.  Some Annual Conferences supplement this.  We are probably planning for four nights rather than three.  Rick recommends a per diem of $125.  Approved.
  4. That we eliminate funding the first reserve.  Discussion.  No action.
  5. Rick will probably send out per diem checks ahead of time.
  6. The host committee has asked for guidance on a display policy.  After discussion, Jodi moved, seconded:  That the Jurisdictional Conference host committee use the same policy for displays as is used by the Annual Conference where the Conference resides, as long as it does not conflict with the Book of Discipline.  Approved.
  1. UMVIM has not had distributions as they have been working on their own 501 c 3.  That is now in place and Rick would like to distribute accrued funds.  Approved.
  2. Rick will be stepping down as Treasurer at the end of the quadrennium – December 31, 2016.  The College of Bishops will nominate and new Treasurer and the Jurisdictional Conference will elect.


College of Bishops:  Bishop Trimble reported that the College of Bishops just completed meeting, and also met with the Annual Conference DCM’s:

  1. Much discussion about whether we are doing things the best way.  Bishop Trimble and Bishop Kiesey will follow up with 2 DCM’s to keep the conversation going.
  2. There is a general belief that we need to identify those things that the Jurisdictional Conference can do which the local church, Annual Conference and General Conference cannot do.
  3. Very little traction on the committee that was established in Akron to analyze Jurisdictional Conferences.  Bishop Trimble convened a meeting and there has been a little followup, but little progress.


Close in Prayer.



Respectfully submitted,


Rev. John W. Boley, Secretary