Present: Jim Searls, Kelly Brown, Ryan Russell, Gail Burgess, Beata Ferris, Chris Winkler, Gifty Smith, Laura Witkowski, Paul White, Cindy Gregorson, Sam Rodriguez, Walker Brault, Curtis Brown, Lonnie Chaffin, Nitze Dovenspike, Alex Plum, Bishop Trimble.
Chairman Ryan Russell opened the meeting and invited members to introduce themselves, indicating their positions and where they had seen God this summer.
The minutes of the October 15, 2021 meeting were approved in a motion made by Cindy Gregorson and seconded by Gifty Smith. Motion carried, 17/0.
Treasurer Lonnie Chaffin reviewed the budget update that had previously been sent to all members. The format included what had been spent in 2021, the current budget for 2022 and proposed budgets for 2023 and 2024. Lonnie shared each of the conference assessments and noted that this is usually about .5% of the conference’s budget. It was noted that some conferences may be impacted more by disaffiliations than others; we hope to be able to use those numbers in 2024. After discussion, Lonnie moved that we approve and present an amended proposed budget for 2023 and 2024 to the NCJ Conference in November 2022. Jim Searls seconded the motion and it carried, 17/0. (Note: The amended budget was sent to members and is included with these minutes.). proposed budget for 2022 Jurisdictional Conference (1)
Members received updates on the Special Session items that were assigned to the Mission Council. The committee to study on racism in our polity should include individuals from CORR as well as Mission Council; we will coordinate on this. Bishop Bard is working on another of the requests and Lonnie will help in the evaluation of our budget and how it helps with healing.
The NCJ Conference in November in Fort Wayne will include the election of Bishops; there are currently ten candidates and videos for nine of them will soon be available. The Committee on the Episcopacy has recommended that two Bishops be elected. Mission Council members will also be elected. Conferences have been contacted and invited to submit nominations for the council. Ryan will give a report for the Mission Council and Lonnie will be available to answer questions about the budget. Others may need to be available since Mission Council is also the Standing Rules Committee.
A meeting to review the proposals for 2023 grants will be held in September or October 2022. Members were invited to fill out the doodle poll to find a date.
Alex Plum led us in a closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.
Gail Burgess